



11' +/-

11' +/-

14' Center Lane

8' Sidewalk

8' Sidewalk

Typical cross section of McLoughlin.

Some intersections vary up to 10%

                                                      41' To curb

Budget Inn

    BRT Passing lane starts at driveway. Will

    take up to 15' off front. New sidewalk will be

    within 2' of the north building.

      Curb 41'      Sign 60'               Wall Edge 48'

Tender Care

     BRT plan calls for 63' street width at this

     point. Loss of front landscape area. (22' from

     curb). Loss of sign, and a new narrow

     driveway entrance.

Gladstone Clinic

     Loss of front landscape area. (23' from curb)

     Loss of sign, and a new narrow driveway


Willamette Home Loans

     Loss of front parking lot area. (24' from 

     curb).  Loss of their new sign and the

     landscape area the county has just required

     during the remodel.

                                     Light Post 61'

Chevron Gas Station

     BRT plan calls for 64' street width at this

     point. (15' from sidewalk edge).  Sign and

     light posts will have to be removed.  New

     restricted access driveway (right in/right out)

     will block customers coming from the north

     or going south.  Partial loss of parking lot 


     Sidewalk edge  48'         61'   Sign edge


     BRT plan calls for street width of 64' at this

     point. The sidewalk to be moved to the right

     16' for a new bus platform and entry lane.

     Major loss of landscape area up to the

     driveway. The sign will have to be moved,

     and the driveway will be replaced with a new

     narrow driveway. 

                                               58' To post

Tonkin Kia

     BRT plan calls for 64' street width at this

     point.  Loss of 15' and all the light posts off

     the front (from sidewalk edge).  Driveway

     will be replaced with a new restricted access

     driveway (right in/right out) that will block 

     customers coming from the south or going 


                     60' To Sign


    BRT plan calls for 63' street width at this

    point.  Loss of front area, (22' from curb)

    Sign will have to be removed.  New narrow


Sausage Kitchen

     The BRT plan calls for 62' at this point.

     This business will lose most of its front

     parking and its sign.

                    Sign edge 60'             58' Utility post

This is the BRT plan that was released to the public on 2-5-2002.  The plan is to

widen McLoughlin from 110' (+/-) to 130' at major intersections to create a

separate bus bypass lane.  The pictures and descriptions show what will

happen to your business if you allow BRT to be built to their specifications.

Metro has said that the plan can be changed; however, they are only offering

you minor changes by moving the road or a driveway a few feet to pacify you.

As a community we must stand together and tell Metro "NO BUILD" to BRT

or we will be stuck with the results of increased congestion, job losses, and

business that will be destroyed because of this project.  You must speak up loud

to put an end to the destruction of our community. Remember the quote from

Clackamas County, "Silence Is Considered Acceptance"

McLoughlin and Glen Echo

All measurements are approximate.  Numbers

in the 100 to 130' range are for the full road

width.  Lower numbers of 65' and below are

from the center of McLoughlin or from a

specific point.

Drawing of Glen Echo from Metro's BRT plan book 2-5-2002

             62'                53'                         14' lane


    The BRT plan calls for 64' street width at this

    point.  This will take 11' off the front of this

    parking lot. (from sidewalk edge)  This will

    eliminate several parking spaces and limit

    access to the drive threw.  A new restricted

    access driveway (right in/right out) will block

    customers coming from the south and going

    north. The sign sits at 62' and will have to be


                  59'   To utility pole

Headache Clinic

     BRT plan calls for 63' street width at this

     point.  The clinic will lose 10 to 14' off the

     front (from sidewalk edge). Any customer

     coming from the south would have to stop

     in the travel lane, make a 90 degree left turn

     around the island, and enter the new narrow
